来源:AVTD China & CCTSS
作者:AVTD China & CCTSS
Call for Papers
German-Chinese Cultures in Dialogue
Edited by
Professor Jin Haina
(Communication University of China),
Dr. Anna Stecher
(Ludwig-Maxilimians-University Munich),
Professor Rebecca Ehrenwirth
(Internationale Hochschule SDI München - University of Applied Sciences)
金海娜教授 (中国传媒大学)
贝丽卡· 埃伦维特教授 (慕尼黑语言翻译学院-应用科技大学)
In Springer Global Germany in Transnational Dialogues Series
Series Editors: Benjamin Nickl , Irina Herrschner, Elżbieta M. Goździak
跨国对话中的全球德国 丛书
The relations between China and Germany have developed from religious, philosophical, literary, political, economic and cultural exchanges, and are filled with fascinating, ample material for scholarly interests. This book intends to invite international scholars in a variety of fields to write about contemporary Sino-German cultural encounters. The contents will include the contemporary cultural dialogues that happen in the area of German and Chinese cultures in the broadest possible sense. Researchers are encouraged to use a transnational and interdisciplinary lens through which we can take stock of cultural encounters in the vast area of the Sinophone and German-speaking areas.
In an attempt to examine the existing programs and strategies, question how they shape Sino-German intercultural dialogues, scholars are invited to explore the following and other related areas to enrich the emerging field of Sino-German studies and transnational studies in general.
Contemporary Sinophone and German-language literature in dialogue
Transnational Sinophone and German-language popular culture
Cinematic and media exchange between German-speaking and Sinophone countries and areas
Status and practices of cultural diplomacy
Sino-German artistic interactions
Cultural and linguistic representation
To propose a paper, please send your abstract (400-500 words, excluding references) by email to all the editors for the book. The language of the contribution is English.
Contact: 联系方式
Professor Jin Haina: jinhaina@cuc.edu.cn
Dr. Anna Stecher: Anna.Stecher@ostasien.fak12.uni-muenchen.de
Professor Rebecca Ehrenwirth: rebecca.ehrenwirth@sdi-muenchen.de
Deadlines: 截止日期
Jin Haina is a professor of translation, film and communication studies at the Communication University of China. Her research interests include audiovisual translation, translation history, film history, and translated cinema. She has published a monograph entitled Towards a History of Translating Chinese Silent Films (1905–1949) and is now working on a sequel, which will cover the 110-year history of translating Chinese films into foreign languages. She is also the translator of Film and Television Culture in China (Paths, 2018) and The General History of Chinese Film (Routledge, Forthcoming).
Anna Stecher is a lecturer in Sinology at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, Germany. She works on contemporary Chinese literature and theatre, focusing especially on questions of representation, adaptation and dramaturgy. Her publications include a book-length study on Lin Zhaohua, China’s most important theatre director of the last decades, Im Dialog mit dem chinesischen Schauspieljahrhundert: Studien zum Theater von Lin Zhaohua (2014) as well as an edited volume with six contemporary Chinese dramas in German translation Chinas Schauspiel: Nah am Nerv. Sechs Stückübersetzungen (Gissenwehrer, Stecher 2018).
Rebecca Ehrenwirth is a professor of translation at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich, Germany. Her research interests include Sinophone studies with a special focus on contemporary literature, art and film as well as postcolonial studies. She is the editor of the monograph Zeitgenoessische sinophone Literatur in Thailand (Harrassowitz, 2018), in which she analyses short-stories and poems by two famous Sinophone writers from Thailand, and she is the co-editor of a biography on Jane Austen, By a Lady: Das Leben der Jane Austen (Lambert Schneider, 2017).